Costituendo R.T.I. EUTOURISTNEWS.R.L. Soc. Unip. (CAP.), con SOCIETA" COOPERATIVA SOCIALE LA PERLA (MAND.) (Orbassano (to), Italy, Supplier №1514761): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: Italy
Town: Orbassano (to)
Address: Costituendo R.T.I. EUTOURISTNEWS.R.L. Soc. Unip. (CAP.), con SOCIETA" COOPERATIVA SOCIALE LA PERLA (MAND.), Strada Torino n. 31, Orbassano (to), 10043, Italy, Persona di contatto: 10043,
Currency: EUR
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Number: 1514756

Country: Italy

Source: TED

Number: 1514758

Country: Bulgaria

Source: TED